18 Animals That Are Definitely Secretly Pokémon

Remember, Pokémon are as real as we believe they are, okay? [Via BuzzFeed]

1. Pikachu = Quokka

Pikachu = Quokka

Source: creativeuncut.com  /  via: deathandtaxesmag.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com

2. Squirtle = Turtle (duh)

Squirtle = Turtle (duh)

Source: fc08.deviantart.net  /  via: 3.bp.blogspot.com

3. Caterpie = Caterpillar (also duh)

Caterpie = Caterpillar (also duh)

Source: archives.bulbagarden.net  /  via: fc00.deviantart.net

4. Charmander = Salamander*

Charmander = Salamander*

*Do not light on fire

Source: cdn.obsidianportal.com  /  via: chriskaylerphotography.com

5. Pidgey = Sparrow

Pidgey = Sparrow

Source: img.pokemondb.net  /  via: brotherpeacemaker.files.wordpress.com

6. Rattata = Rat

Rattata = Rat

Source: oyster.ignimgs.com  /  via: tootinglife.com

7. Ekans = Snake (E-K-A-N-S = S-N-A-K-E)

Ekans = Snake (E-K-A-N-S = S-N-A-K-E)

Source: pokemon.neoseeker.com  /  via: media

8. Sad Meowth = Sad Cat

Sad Meowth = Sad Cat

Source: fc07.deviantart.net  /  via: 1.bp.blogspot.com

9. Ponyta = Pony*

Ponyta = Pony*

*Also, do not light on fire.

Source: pldh.net  /  via: s0.geograph.org.uk

10. Kangaskhan = Kangaroo

Kangaskhan = Kangaroo

Source: creativeuncut.com  /  via: kangaroos.org

11. Horsea = Seahorse (get it?)

Horsea = Seahorse (get it?)

Source: i543.photobucket.com  /  via: farm4.static.flickr.com

12. Rhyhorn = Rhinoceros

Rhyhorn = Rhinoceros

Source: images2.wikia.nocookie.net  /  via: advocacy.britannica.com

13. Drowzee = Tapir

Drowzee = Tapir

Source: dltk-kids.com  /  via: washingtonpost.com

14. Sandshrew = Pangolin

Sandshrew = Pangolin

Source: gtsplus.net  /  via: s13.photobucket.com

15. Eevee = Fennec Fox

Eevee = Fennec Fox

Source: faqsmedia.ign.com  /  via: www2.gamma.uk.com

16. Krabby = Crab (Ohhhhhhhhh)

Krabby = Crab (Ohhhhhhhhh)

Source: images4.wikia.nocookie.net  /  via: farm3.static.flickr.com

17. Snorlax = A Bear Saying Hello

Snorlax = A Bear Saying Hello

Source: i243.photobucket.com  /  via: 1.media.collegehumor.cvcdn.com

18. Mewtwo = This Horrible, Disgusting Cat

Mewtwo = This Horrible, Disgusting Cat

Source: upload.wikimedia.org  /  via: alchemy-cats.webs.com

[Via BuzzFeed]

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